Working exclusively on individual orders
Dodane: 2015-09-14 Kategoria: Maszyny Specjalistyczne / Przemysł Metalowy

Our company is cooperating with other companies from several different industries. These are mainly: machine industry, railway and mining. We are committed to cooperation with those industries run smoothly, well, gave satisfaction to both our customers and us. We do not want to bring the situation to occurred objections to our work that something might be wrong. The more that our work involves responsibility. We produce parts for machines and complete systems parts for these industries. Hence, responsible for the efficiency and security of machines that are repaired by our part.

Contract manufacturing

Therefore, we adopted a specific style of our work. This is a contract manufacturing. Our work is performed only on specific orders. We do not produce standardized parts. If this is the need to undertake the implementation, we not produce parts exaggerated. The contract manufacturing reduces the volume of our production, but affects the increase of its quality because the production adjust to specific customer requirements, and not developed at the level of the average parameters. This approach gives the customer a sense of security and gives us confidence that what we do is good and of high quality.

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